Abundantly Spiritual Rich Worthy Packages
Coming Soon
Are you ready to play full out to become a Wealthy Abundant Spiritual Rich Worthy Woman Creating Changes because you are worthy of delivering the outcomes that you want to create? Women who Create Wealth Experiences help you take a look at yourself and introduce yourself to yourself. Playing small is no longer an option. Comfort Zones are gone. Stand bare. Stand bold. Stand ready to walk forth into a new brazen journey, transformation is taking place.

The Silver Package is delivered and features and comes as a Workshop & Conference 2 Full days.
: Hotel Stay for 2 Days. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner
: Why do you seek your Kingdom?
: Focusing on the Mindset & Belief, Self Worth, Self Esteem Confidence Connection. Psychology. Power Words how our words affect us and influence our dreams and desires.
: Make discipline a major force in your life that helps you recognize your goals into reality.
: Assignment to change. Are you willing to change?
: What's your WHY? Make your mind fertile so you can plant grand ideas in fertile ground.
: Looking at your Skillset and Gift set. Talent set.
: What's your Passion Accelerator and learning about Industry of Interest.
: Keys to Self Motivation.
: Dysfunction Junction
: Removing Imposter Syndrome and saying Hello to Failure to gain resilience for Success and Achievement.
: Creating your Wealth BluePrint. Part 1
: What's your Health Plan for your Finance Part 1
: Learning the language of Money what's your Language technique and tools?
: Introduction to Passport to Wealth Creation
: Introduction to Social Media. Part 1
​: Learning about your Industry of interest part 1 A happy life and contentment.
The Wealthy Way Silver Package £5,700 + Vat PP
Groups: £11,000 +Vat for the Groups

The Second Gold Package of Wealth Creation Package
This includes Hotel Stay. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner
: Exposing your True self and Career desire.
: What are your Risk Levels.
: What are you willing to Sacrifice.
: Wealth Creation and Building part 2 Millionaire & Billionaire Mindset.
: The Culture Vulture how Cultural Codes and Environment, Society play a role in keeping people broke and ignorant.
: Success of the person behind the vision of the Mega Successful Brands.
: Learning the Techniques of PR, Negotiation, Pricing and How to Sell your Produce & Services without the Guilt.
How to do your Pricing. Knowing your Worth Extended.
: Creating your Brand & Wealth Blue Print. Part 2 ​
​: What's your Health Plan for your Finance Part 2
: Learning the language of Money what are your Language technique and tools?
: Introduction to Passport to Wealth Creation
: Introduction to Social Media. Part 2
​: Learning about your Industry of interest part 2 Happy life and Contentment.
The Wealthy Way and Worthy Gold Package £10,000 + Vat PP Single
Groups:£11,000 + Vat for Groups.

The Third Package Platinum of Wealth Creation Package Level UP your Business.
Which Includes Hotel Stay. Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner.
: Exposing your True self and Career desire What's Your Freedom Number?
And how do you want to retire?
: Social Ambition V Social Contribution. What's your life's Legacy?
: Abundant Ambition
: What are you willing to Sacrifice Part 3
: Wealth Creation and Building part 3 Millionaire & Billionaire Mindset.
: Let's Make Money. How Much and by When?
: The Culture Vulture how Cultural Codes and Environment, Society play a role in keeping people broke and ignorant & Defeated.
: Success of the person behind the vision of the Mega Successful Brands. Master Class Talk from the Women Who have leading Edge household Global Brands
: Learning the Techniques of PR, Negotiation, Pricing and How to Sell your Produce & Services without the Guilt.
How to Pricing. Knowing your
: Creating your Wealth Blue Print. Part 3​
​: What's your Health Plan for your Finance Part 3
: Learning the language of Money what are your Language technique and tools?
: Introduction to Passport to Wealth Creation
: Introduction to Social Media. Part 3
​: Learning about your Industry of interest part 3. Happy life and Emotional Contentment.
A Group of 7 Mentors. This is for 6 weeks at a chosen Luxury Resort.
The Wealthy Way Platinum Package Advance Level Up on your Business.
£15,000 + Vat Per Person
£16,000 + Vat for Groups.