What's Your Money Language
How many languages do you know?
When we think about and talk about Money we have different vibrations and perceptions. We will have in our lifetime many inputs of other people's limitations, moods, feelings, and language that have been programmed by other people who have failed somewhere in life that said it wasn't possible. Far too many people connect money with a negative experience which then makes lives a complete misery instead of it being a positive blessing or a tool that will provide a contribution, give back control, and a sense of freedom in all areas of your life.
So, Wealthy Way Women Education will be taking you through the steps and will be discussing issues such as
: Childhood Rearing and the Language we hear and then use in Adulthood that keeps us stuck.
: Our Emotions and how they create cycles that can be broken to create the prosperity that you want.
: What's Your Purpose?
: Shame
: Fulfilment
: Peer
: Education
: Faith
: The Psychology and the Genetic Make-up.
: Environment
: Cultural Codes, Societal Codes. Gender Codes
: Past lives yes, everyone has them and it's no joke.
: Poverty Mindsets are also linked to Money & Abundance and would you know the difference?
: The Slave Mentality and its seven hooks.
: Sexuality
: Career
: Critical Judgement