Getting To Know Astrology
About Using Astrology For Wealth Creation
Astrology is the oldest Teaching Tool for looking at the Planets and Governing Their Movements. Yet, most people don't realise that from the moment we are born we are already made of Stars and Governed by the Stars and if we know how to interpret them and know how to unlock their Universal Secrets we Unlock our Life Secrets and our Ancestral Answers. Destiny. Purpose.

Imagine a life where you open your bank account and never have to worry about money again due to having the commitment and vision of what you fully enjoy and a passionate heart also provides emotional fulfillment as a result of serving others who love your serves from listening to yourself and your dreams. We all have a story but it's how we use our story in an empowering way that helps others with accessing their own dreams. Create your own sweetshop of creativity.
The talk of dreams and vision, creativity comes from the signs of the fish (Pisces) We are currently in the sign of Pisces and will soon be in the sign of Pioneer and Go Getting Sunsign Aries. Astrology is a Science and offers a blueprint and language that offers you a pathway to the outcome or desired vision of what you want but it's also a powerful strategy not just for finance and career for other areas of life. This series also features Numerology. Your birthday is not just a number it's an energetic key and more of this can be found in the Money Magnet Astrology Series. There is also a guide that comes complete with the series or you can have it just by itself. It's entirely up to you.
Our dreams come true when we know what we are doing and have the support and accomplish our dreams. Teamwork makes the dreams work is very true. if you love the language of astrology and want to know more about manifesting your dream life or project or vision then this is for you to enjoy and transform your finances one step at time on a astrological journey and adventure.

Learning Astrology
This is something which I can't wait to teach again and again. The Saying "When The Student Is Ready The Teacher will appear"
Learning Something New Always Takes Time And Astrology is no different as there are many new and exciting to discover such as knowing your Sun Sign. Exact Time. Date of Birth.
Location or Place of Birth To Bring Accurately Astrology Chart To The Person Who Wishes to Understand Their Life Path Much More. Next, We Have The Rising Sign to Look at indepth, Moon, Venus, Mars, Stellium and so much more Astrology is a guide and celestial blueprint used by Ancient Ancestors
How You Can Make Money with Astrology is to Find Your Part Fortune But Also To Spot Opportunities When They Show Up.

Seeing Your Vision Map
Seeing And Creating Your Own Vision Map brings you into really looking at the journey of your life and where you have had chances to excel but had missed them due to not having the right information or the incorrect information but sure how to correct it.
Having An Astrology Life Vision Map Gives You The Answers Which May Have Eluded You Before

How do you show up as your Rising Sign?
How did you show today? Yesterday or how will you show up tomorrow? Will you show up confident and fiery? or will you be shy and hideaway behind a curtain. We show up everyday by our Rising Sign. Our Rising Sign is our planetary influence on the eastern horizon which was rising upon our arrival to the planet. it's how we appear and how we behave and this can normally be seen in someones routine or daily habits.
Not their Sunsign. So for example if a person is very brash and love bright flamboyant clothes which scream look at me and bit theatric drama with a glorious mane of hair this is the sign of Leo. A smart dressed and clean shaven or hair neatly detailed, shoes extremely clean, pressed suit and breifcase, pen and clipboard this the sign of Virgo. Their sunsign could be a airsign.
We have often gone into believing that our sunsign was the only thing that matters but this could be quite painful to a people who struggle with money issues if they are interested in learning all about Astrology.