Wealthy Way Women Education
Start Right Beginners Hubs
Being a Woman starting a Business can be daunting and most frightening, where you are unsure of what to expect and what questions to ask, and what the outcomes will be for the road ahead is unknown but will be so worth it when you are up and running to make your business a Success and Profitable. This Beginners Master Class, This will be all-day event based over 6 and half weeks. There should be no barrier to doing what you love.
This will include:
What do you expect of your journey (Discussion) 1 Full Day.
What kind of business voice will you have?
Tackle your Inspiration. Who inspires you?
How to get the idea from Vision to Paper
Become resourceful. Use your Local Library IP Suite if you have it for research, pop up
How to write a Business Plan if needed.
How to search and find s suitable name for your business
How to register your Business or Company and its Legalities.
How to protect it.
How to Create a Business Model
How to Plan and Structure your Business for Financing.
How to know your numbers & cash flow. And write Financial Forecast.
And where to find a credited Account and Pay & file Accounts on Time
What financing do you actually need? An introduction to learning the language of Money.
Confidence & Bravery mindset Mindset Myths The Dysfunction Junction how to remove the negative dialogue noise to a positive one.
What legal structure are you?
How to use Social Media Effectively Setting up a Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn. Pinterest
Looking for your ideal Client, Customer & Audience
How to create an Email list
Networking. Marketing Advertising
Start-Up Right for Women starting in Business. £120
Start-Up Right Basic's Package for Beginners in BusinessCONTINUE ON TO THE WEALTHY WAY BUILDER AND CREATION EVENTS.
How to Start A Business From Scratch for under £200
Being a Female Entrepreneur is a journey of challenges that you will go through as you journey forward toward your path as a Female Entrepreneur. Wealthy Way Women Education will teach you the many steps that Wealthy Way Women Education used to start and run the amazing Wealthy Way Women Education I hope you enjoy the small video which teaches you how to start on Pinterest and Instagram by the same name Wealthy Way Women Education and Retreats
Empowering Women to Create Wildly Successful Luxury Businesses of their dreams.Coming Soon