Hey, Welcome to The Self Love Series Season of February is here. The Month of February. February is the Month of Love and also the Self Love. The Love Cocoon is here. How often do you think your body needs Nurturing and Nourishing Lovingly? We are with our bodies everyday so lets partner with our bodies. Would you want to wake up feeling centered and grounded knowing you go into your day feeling confident, self assured, and having a life feeling that life Love Us? Because you know what? it already exists around it is around you everyday single day. You may be blocking it out due not not knowing it even was available to you.
Every Minute of the day we run through the day and our emotions are what keep us connected to our bodies. Our Emotions are also how we make money too. Money is Spiritual by the way. it's an energy frequency and has no power until a human comes into contact with it to give it power. I will be talking more about this as we head further into Pluto in Aquarius which is with us for the next 20 years in the skies.
Wouldn't it feel good to connect to ourselves through connecting deeply to create the cash you want every time and know how to make it stay so it's not running through our fingers?
But let's explore our emotional selves and how we bring more love into our lives so we develop the kind of love relationship. Every woman deserves to tune into her Love Cocoon and every woman a new language to bring our values and commitment to ourselves together so we align with what we want and are ready to take on. its a journey but it's our own journey for growth, celebration, empowerment and development.